Our Imam

We are blessed to be lead in prayers by Imam Ahmeed. He graduated from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt and memorized the Quran in two ways of recitation Qalum and Hafs. Check out the clip below to hear a preview.

Mission Statement

Islam is monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one incomparable God – Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God. It is the world’s second-largest religion and the fastest-growing major religion in the world. Islam teaches that God is merciful, all-powerful and unique.

Islam is monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one incomparable God – Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God. It is the world’s second-largest religion and the fastest-growing.

About the Islamic Center of Santa Ana

The Islamic Center of Santa Ana’s (ICSA) was established by a dozen Muslim families who escaped from war-ravaged Vietnam and Laos and the killing fields of Cambodia to the U.S. in search of new lives and religious freedom in the early 1980. In the early days, it was known as the Indo-Chinese Muslim Refugee Association. After 35 years, the community yearned for a larger facility and parking spaces. After many years of searching, ICSA’s leadership finally bought an abandoned building located at 1610 E. 1 st Street, Santa Ana with a price tag of $2.6 million dollars.

The Heart of the Community

After scraping every penny to raise $1 million from within the community to close the escrow in September 2016, community members transformed the beaten-up building into a beautiful masjid. Eight months later, ICSA opened its doors for Ramadan 2017.

Open Arms

Hosting its first iftar with Latino-Muslims generated widespread media attention due to the Taco-Truck- At-Every-Mosque initiative. ICSA also sponsored the Humanitarian Day to help the homeless in downtown Santa Ana, the Food Pantry Program for needy Muslim families and the Spanish-language Jumah, a unique collaborative program with the local Latino Muslim community.

Building Togetherness

ICSA serves as multi-cultural center with worshipers from all walks of life, professional Muslims who work in the area, Muslims from Southeast Asia and Latino Muslim Community; sponsoring social programs to serve the under-served and low income, Muslims and non-Muslim families alike. ICSA will continue to serve making society a better place to live.

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